1. Home Visitor Modules
The online learning modules developed through the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Innovation Grant are now available for all. These modules are FREE and are available in both English and Spanish. They have been adjusted thanks to the feedback received from CT home visitors. They include videos, printable tip sheets, handouts for families, web-resources, and self-care articles. The modules are available through the Eastern Connecticut University website. The following directions can also be found on the website. You will need to create a user account (a quick and free process)
How to access:
- Ensure that you are using a supported browser – either Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari.
- Complete a quick, one-time registration process and create a username and password in Blackboard CourseSites.
- You will receive an email message with instructions. Once you have ‘student’ status, you will be able to access the modules at any time. Click here to get started!
The 9 modules include:
- Infant Mental Health
- Supporting Parents With Cognitive Limitations
- Talking With Families About Safe Sleep
- Family Play and Infant Development
- Family Play and Toddler Development
- Communicating With Families
- Trauma-Informed Care
- Talking With Families About Nutrition
- Moving Early, Staying Healthy (Promoting Physical Activity)
This project was developed for the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood by the Center for Early Childhood Education in collaboration with the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium (CTDLC). The development of this work was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Innovation Grant (# UH4MC30743). The modules are licensed as Open Educational Resources, which means there are only a few restrictions on how they can be used and those are listed here: https://creativecommons.
2. Reflective Supervision/Consultation Modules and Webinars (for a fee)
- University of Minnesota, Center for Early Education and Development (CEED): 9 modules
Learn more at: https://ceed.umn.edu/announcing-our-new-self-study-modules/ - Texas First 3 Years and the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health: 3 modules
Learn more at: https://first3yearstx.org/reflective-supervision-consultation-webinars/
3. FREE Webinar: Addressing Suspension and Expulsion in Early Childhood Education Settings: An IECMH-Informed Approach
The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health Policy & Systems Development Workgroup, along with its Briefing Paper Subgroup, developed a valuable tool, “Addressing Suspension and Expulsion in Early Childhood Education Settings: An IECMH-Informed Approach,” to support advocacy efforts on the critical issue of suspension and expulsion in ECE settings. This webinar frames the issue from a strengths- based systems perspective, explores the importance of this issue for IECMH providers and organizations, and highlights the importance of a proactive stance. It features examples from two states that have successfully implemented strategies to address suspension and expulsion and will demonstrate how this tool can be utilized to support similar efforts in other states and organizations. Webinar Available Here
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